Destination Photography: Sedona, Arizona

This photoshoot was a dream come true for any photographer. We had the perfect location, a stunning model and an amazing outfit to work with! But no matter how much you prepare, there is always something that you are unprepared for…the temperature! Although the photoshoot was in Arizona, it was during the winter time so it was actually freezing in the morning. These were taken at around 35 degrees Fahrenheit. It can be hard to imagine that these photos were taken at such cold temperatures but as a photographer I had to work fast so the model could get bundled back up! This entire photoshoot took place over about 20 minutes.

Here are the things that I have learned after photographing a destination photoshoot:

Do your research!

Find the location, have your route mapped out, research the weather for the time period that you are going.

Make sure to pack all of your camera gear!

Also, pack it in a carry-on case so that it does not get lost if you need to take an airplane to the destination.

Make sure to wear layers during the photoshoot!

You can always remove layers, but you will wish you had more if you do not pack enough!

Make sure you have FUN!

Soak the entire experience in, live in the moment. Doing destination photoshoots is like living a fairytale to me. Enjoy every second of the journey 🙂

Here are the stunning photos that I captured while traveling to Sedona, Arizona! Enjoy this magnificent gallery!

April 8, 2022


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